
A Little Family Trip

So Sarah and I have just about finished packing for our little trip over the next five days. Finally, I got a few days off work to go and do some fun things as a family! We will be heading to Aiken tomorrow after Artios for Bradley Temple's wedding that I am HONORED to be standing up in. The day after the wedding we will be driving to Pensacola to see Christopher, Charity, and Melody at PCC. They are in an original musical called "The Hiding Place" based on the life of Cori Ten Boom. We are so excited to get away for a while. More updates to come!


Well, we have been here for about two months and are slowly adjusting to all the new changes in life.  God has blessed us with a nice apartment, Assistant Manager job (at Panera for Tim) which pays better, and the opportunity to live two minutes down the road from Tiffany and Josh.  It's nice to have family close by. Tim just finished two days of teacher training for Artios Academy!  Classes start Sept 16th.  We am so excited!  God is really going to bless this program.  Tim will be teaching the Theater/Literature classes for the Arts & History program and co-teaching the drama club gearing up for a production probably in late March. We are attending Taylor's First Baptist Church and Tim is working on scripting a Christmas musical for the church this year.  Excited to see where that is going to go and how God will use it. Rennah, is excited about starting 1st Grade at home with Mom and also attending the Artios program on Thursdays while Mommy and Daddy are teaching.


This time it's not just a BLOG move it's a REAL move!  Our house is almost all packed up and we are getting ready to leave on Saturday morning!  We are moving to Greenville, SC.  I am going to be teaching at a Fine Arts School called Artios Academy which is just starting up there in September.  We are super excited about this move and I am sure there will be much more to come as far as updates here.  Stay tuned.

My Awesome Cast!

Just wanted to share a photo taken today at rehearsal.  The cast is doing so well and we are going to have an awesome show!  Super excited!

Family Update & Honk!

I can't believe it's February already! And the birth of our new little one is literally just around the corner, with Sarah's due date set for March 3. We are all so excited for her arrival! The St. Clair family just continues to grow! Live has been pretty busy with all that is going on. Sarah is in full on "nesting" mode working on cleaning and organizing the house to get everything just right for the baby. Rennah and Nessa talk to her belly every day to check up on her. It's so cute. Oh, and by the way, in case you haven't heard the name of our new little girl, we are naming her Aislynn Hope. We are a fan of different names and ones with special meaning for us. Aislynn means "dream", so combined with her middle name, she is our "Dream of Hope". In memory of all God has done in our lives the last couple of years, we have a new hope for our future and are so thankful for the new lives we now live. God has also blessed by openi